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  ±è¼ö¹Î(2019-10-10 05:31:48, Hit : 37, Vote : 1

        <span class="end_photo_org"></span><br><br>Extinction Rebellion climate change protests in London<br><br>Extinction Rebellion climate change protesters in Westminster in London, Britain, 09 October 2019. Extinction Rebellion civil disobendience activists announced that climate change protests and blockades will take place worldwide starting 07 October. The Extinction Rebellion (XR) climate protests movement has planned a 'spring rebellion' from 07 to 13 October 2019, including marches aimed at blocking traffic.  EPA/ANDY RAIN<br><br>¢ºÀÌ ½Ã°¢ ¿¬ÇÕ´º½º 'ÇÖ´º½º'[Ŭ¸¯]<br><br>¢º³×À̹ö [¿¬ÇÕ´º½º] ä³Î ±¸µ¶   ¢º¹¹ ÇÏ°í ³î±î? #Èï<br>

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